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2021 Rules Committee Results and Notes

This year’s rules committee met 13 November 2021 for around 8.5 hours to go through this year’s rule proposals. In order to be as transparent as possible we are releasing notes from the meeting as well as votes and rationale for the decision.

While the below is not complete, this is an overview of the changes to expect for the 2022 season. Thanks to everyone that took the time to author and submit proposals!

For complete notes, a set of slides in pdf form can be viewed.

1. Create a new classification of Amateur which will incorporate current novice and sportsman races.

The end result should be better opportunities for novice competitors as well as sportsman competitors. This also eliminates one contentious point of sportsman, breakout times, and replaces it with a number of podiums for graduation from amateur category races.

2. Only first year novices are eligible for a novice championship.

The spirit of novice is to grow individuals into expert racers. Removing an incentive to return a second year to win a championship better matches the intent of the class.

3. Rename Formula 2 to Formula 600.

4. Formula 600 competitors will be awarded 1.5 the number of points shown in Section M.1b per race.

5. Eliminate Classic SBK Class.

This provides an additional scheduling spot for another 600 event that would be more inclusive of all riders. This class has also created an ability to ‘upset’ the championship if you elect to ride a 2009 or older motorcycle.

6. Restructure Formula Female Classes to allow riders on a wider variety of machinery to compete.

  • Female GP: (Open, 600, MW SBK)
  • Female Lightweight (LW, ULW SBK)

7. The list of retired and reserved racers numbers has been expanded in the rulebook to more accuately reflect the list of retired/reserved numbers.

8. Clarify that unsportsmanlike conduct, such as irresponsible riding, will not be tolerated.

9. Modify safety wire requirements for recessed axles.

10. Align black flag/meatball flag verbiage in our rulebook to better align with OMRRA.

11. Remove the line “Exceptions may be approved in advance by the WMRRA Referee and/or Race Director.” from D.2.J.V, pertaining to novice machinery.

This is redundant as the rulebook specifies at a higher level that race direction is allowed to apply discretion where necessary.